Eid AL-adha


"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23:6"

News from your community In the Holy Land
Eid AL-adha is a special day for nearly two billion Muslims around the world who will be taking the time to pray, seek spiritual renewal and share food with family while others make the sacred pilgrimage to Mecca.
But for one family, the Ali Mussa family, from Al Khader just outside Bethlehem, this is an Eid they will never forget. The family have just moved into a new home, rebuilt with help from the Holy Land Trust funded by Amos Trust and all our supporters
For the first time, the family will be able to invite friends and family to their home after gathering with the wider community in the mosque. They have planned a special celebration with sweets and coffee.
The family are thrilled to welcome people to their three-bedroomed home after their time spent living in a makeshift shelter. The children have rooms in which they can study, there is space for hospitality and they are delighted with the colours and décor they have chosen.
On this special day for our Muslim brothers and sisters we want to thank all of you who have supported this year’s rebuilding project either by donating, lobbying politicians or visiting the family.
As you drink your coffee this morning, pause and remember this family and other families like them. Give thanks for all that has been achieved and remember all that is needed to bring peace, justice and equality to these Holy Lands.


holy-land-trust-about-elias-deis2.pngElias Deis - Executive Director
Holy Land Trust’s E.D., Elias Deis has worked for over a decade at Holy Land Trust. He was formally the Travel & Encounter Program Director and serves on the Beit Sahour City Council.

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